Building Performance Analysis – The impact of the built environment on performance and outcome measures may be evaluated at any point during the occupancy of a building. Some measures, such as systems performance, rely upon comparing actual vs. intended performance data. Other measures that center on human performance factors may require a combination of existing organizational records, observation, and stakeholder engagement.
Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) – Post-occupancy evaluations are typically conducted after operational stability has been re-established following the modification of the built environment. A broad range of stakeholders are engaged in sharing insights related to the alignment of processes, desires and environmental affordances. The time and resources associated with conducting a POE vary based upon the intended outcome (e.g., indicative, investigative and diagnostic[1]).
Continuous Quality Improvement – The built environment is frequently taken for granted as a modifiable contributor to service efficiency, efficacy and economy. Similarly, environmental insights and expertise are frequently an overlooked omission during organizational strategic planning and CQI efforts. Multiple evaluation measures and approaches may be employed to ensure the optimization of design strategies.
Adaptive Reuse – Significant changes in use, ownership or occupancy frequently require the modification of the built environment. In these instances, multiple evaluation measures and approaches may be employed to ensure the optimization of design strategies.
[1] Preiser, W.F.E., Rabinowitz, H.Z., and White, E.T. (1988). Post-Occupancy Evaluation. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, USA.
Posted On February 17, 2020 | in